Sunday, May 1, 2011

ijklmno -__-

A man is already halfway in love with any woman who listens to him - Brendan Francis

Seems like there's always sOMEONE who DISAPPROVES. They'll JUDGE IT LIKE THEY KNOW ABOUT ME & YOU

Everyone of us needs to show how much we care for each other and, in the process, care for ourselves. -Princess Diana

Life philosophy : We should have much peace if we would not busy ourselves with the sayings and doings of others. - Thomas a Kempis

Too much time spent online may cause narcissistic paranoia. Take time to go outside, and see the world actually revolves around the sun.

It is wiser to expect for NOTHING ....than to be hurt for too much EXPECTING` ..

aku adalah aku aku bukan orang lain, jangan beranggap aku itu bermuka 2,

Kalau kita kabur dari sebuah masalah kita akan bertemu lagi dgn masalah yg sama, itu krn Tuhan menginginkan kita lebih kuat daripada masalah

kalo cinta itu buta,,kenapa masih bisa bedain sepeda sama BMW.??? •°◦=DƗƗäƗƗä•°◦=DƗƗāƗƗā•°◦=DƗƗāāƗƗāā˚•°◦

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