okay my lecture give me a homework to presentate our speech in front of class , and because for it how lucky i'am write this for all of ya
you know that it's boring how people always make a topic about global warming, corruption , etc so maybe with this topic you can pay your friend attention . here we go ~
Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb
okay good morning ladies and gentlemen,honorable to ..... and my beloved friend
okay before going to my speech let's pray and Alhamdulillahirabbil’alamin to the Almighty Allah SWT who has given us some mercy and blessing till we can meet together in this lovely forum and don't forget we send our thanks to our prophet Muhammad s.a.w that bring us from the dark world to this moment that better than before
Dear all,in this speech maybe i want to tell about facebook , yeah if we talk about facebook it's so famous for tenagger, doesn't it? yeah or maybe there is someone in here that have a tittle miss facebook/mr facebook? hahaha like i guess
as we know Facebook is a social networking website that can connect each other , althought distance apart all of us ( jarak memisahkan kita ) like a lyrics of song hahaha okey okey back to the december no i mean back to topic ^^v
Dear guys, the are many advantages of having and using facebook.
- First, facebook is a social interaction software. When it comes with communication like facebook hits the number one spot. we can do chatting with our parents, friend, and other , sharing , make a communication , if sometimes you miss your old friend and never seen him again in many years if you and her/him have facebook it can be solved .
- Second, facebook is useful for students and get information , why i said like that? because facebook maybe also support students and teacher to sharing and maybe in this age maybe i think teacher can make an event on facebook if they will get a exam or test . or maybe if in the school there is a ekskul or organizations facebook will be useful yeah maybe like can make an wall updates about that organizations or maybe a upcoming events
- Third,facebook is useful in economy matters. Facebook’s influence is continuously succeeding other online communities thus makes it a more amiable site to let the economy flourish . it's so support for company or shopping online so they can advertise their products , give information ,and in return for the space provided by the site, the advertisers pay a certain amount of money enabling the site to raise revenue .
of course if talk about positif side of facebook then also there is a negative or disadvantages of facebook
- First,Weak eyesight . Staring at a computer screen can weaken your eyesight. Facebook can only be accessed through the Internet, and if you use it too much, then your eyesight will get worse. Facebook also provides many games and applications that require you to focus on the screen for a long time. Your eyesight can get worse if you use facebook for too long.
- Second,Less time outdoors- If you get addicted to facebook, then you may miss out on all the fun that you can have outdoors. In summers, there is a lot to do outside in the sun. But, if you get addicted to facebook, then you will be sitting indoors and wasting a lot of your precious time on facebook. There is so much more to do outdoors, and you will miss out on it if you use facebook too much.
- Third,Less time physically spent with a person- you might be talking to the person everyday on facebook, but you may reduce the time that you spend face to face. You may not want to talk on phone anymore, and this also has disadvantages. You will become anti-social and develop social anxiety disorder if you never talk to people face to face. This is a terrible disorder, which can also put into depression. This is one of biggest disadvantages of facebook. You will become anti-social and spend less time with people.
Dear audiences,antoher disadvantages of facebook is that it has too many useless applications. You may waste a lot of time rejecting invitations, and waste time. There is also the feature of wall posting, which means others can see your conversation. This can be really embarrassing for people. This feature makes it impossible to hold private conversations. Even the photos can be viewed by all your friends, and strangers can see them once they get on your friend’s list.
These are the disadvantages of using facebook for too long. But there are ways that you can use facebook, and get only the advantages. Use facebook for planning events, creating more awareness about issues, and just chatting. Don’t use it for personal conversations that can be done face to face. You may run out of conversations when you actually meet with the person in real life. This is why it is important to create a balance between facebook and your social life.
okey everyone , maybe that's all about my speech if there is something wrong , forgive me coz i'am just person that never can be perfect ! in the end i also say thank for your attention and
Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb
Created by : Randy Rakhmadiaz
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