I started to belive in love when first time i know and saw you ~ boleh boleh saja kau punya rupa yang indah , boleh boleh saja kau bergelimangan harta tapi maav maav aku hanya ingin kau setia , jujur dan taqwa :D i'm not really good at talking to girls | why ? you are hot ? | WHAT ? not i mean emm uh you're an appealing guy man .... guy-guy man | you don't really understand what i mean | so what ? | it's just need time how can girl make me really feel comfortable and enjoy to talk with her ~ #lol "Don't date the most beautiful girl in the world, date the girl who makes your world the most beautiful." -Wiz Khalifa
Monday, August 22, 2011
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7:30 PM
Lucu - lucuan
*dokter THT* "Dok, saya mau periksa." | "Ada keluhan apa?" | "Bkn dok, saya mau periksa." | "-_- Keluhan ibu apa?" | "Umur saya 55." | "T_T"
Ada org dtng ke hidup kita & meninggalkan jejak kaki di hati kita. Tapi ada jg yg mmbuat kita ingin meninggalkan jejak kaki di wajah mereka.
"Tengku!" | "Ya Big Brother?" | "Saya punya misi rahasia untuk kamu." | "Apa?" | "Misi kali ini adalah menjambak Alan dan Derek." | "-_-"
"Eh Mbak, malem2 kok ngorek2 batu nisan gitu?" | "Iya nih, Mas... Tanggal lahir saya salah tulis." (via: jokefisien)
"Hai cantik nama kamu siapa?" | "Sofi." | "Namamu secantik wajahmu ya. Nama panjangnya?" | "Sofian." | "Wah, maskulin bgt. HAHAHA." *lari*
Guru: "Ada yg masih ingat pelajaran minggu lalu?" | Murid: "Pak jangan mengingat2 masa lalu, yg berlalu biarlah berlalu." | "..."
Co: "Lo itu cantik banget, secantik papa lo." | Ce: "Iya donk!" *bangga* | Co: "PAPANYA CEWEK!!! HAHAHAHA!!!" | Ce: "BEDEBAH!" *nyekek*
*candle light* Co: "Gue pnya kejutan buat lo. Pejemin mata lo." | Ce: "Ok." | *keluarin mercon* *nyalain pk lilin* "Nih. DORRR!" | *pingsan*
"Malem minggu ditemenin twitter." | "Cieeeeee. Siapa tuh si Twitter? Anak mana? Cieeeee. Jadian gak ngomong2. Cieee." | "..."
"Malem om, kenalin saya Gatot." | "Mau ngapain kamu?" | "Mau ngajak kencan anak om." | "Anak yg mana?" | "Itu om, si Bimo. :)" | *pingsan*
"Saya mau ketemu pak direktur." | "Sudah bikin janji?" | "Maaf, saya gak suka mengumbar janji, tp memberi bukti." | "???"
*belajar mobil* "Giginya dimasukin dulu, baru jalan..." | "Kampret lo. Gigi gue emang gini, gak bisa dimasukin lagi. (◦˘ϖ˘◦)" | "..."
Mama: "Nak, tidur yok. Uda malem." | Anak: "Dasar kau keong racun! Baru kenal kok ngajak tidur!!" | *ngejer pake sapu*
*tlp* "Halo bs bicara dgn pak Gatot?" | "Saya sendiri." | "Eh.. Maaf pak Sendiri, saya salah sambung." | "Ada apa pak Salah Sambung?"
*hotel* "Mbak saya mau check-in ya." | "Ok. Single / double mas?" | "It's complicated mbak.." *nangis tersedu2* | "..." #KorbanFB
*tengahmalem* sundel bolong: "hai bang.." | A: "hei,punggung kamu banyak belatungnya, wah lumayan nih buat makanan burung" *mungutin*
"Mak,jono bawa calon menantu emak nih" | "Yg bener? mana jon?" | "Ini mak.." *nunjuk mas2 belah tengah yg berdiri disampingnya* | :(
has been posted by
7:29 PM
Thursday, August 18, 2011
trying to explain ~
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9:33 PM
Sunday, August 14, 2011
just word
CINTA dapat melipatgandakan Kebahagian, maka temukan CINTA itu dgn belajar menghargai orang lain. *NasihatSahabat* **cinta Life is like a coin. You can spend it any way you wish, but you only spend it once. GOOD RELATIONSHIPS are like arms of the CLOCK .. They only meet sometime, but they always stay CONNECTED ~It's amazing how someone can break your heart and you can still love them with all the little pieces..~ I don't want to be Romeo and Juliet, prince charming and Cinderella, or even Ken and Barbie. I want us to make our own story. ♥ **Love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking together in the same direction."** - Antoine de Saint-Exupery Problems are like garbage..they don't look good, they don't smell good..but they make good fertilizers. The reason why people give up so fast is because they tend to look at how far they still have to go, instead of how far they have got... Being *Awesome* is not the way you look, act, dress or do. It's how your attitude SHINE bright. *Never compare your love story with those in the movies because they are written by scriptwrit ers. Yours is written by God* "If another girl ever steals your man, there's no better revenge than letting her keep him. Real man can't be stolen." Trust is like paper.. once you crumple it up, no matter how hard you try, it'll never be perfectly smooth again. Don't worry about your reputation, worry about your character. Reputation is what people think you are, Character is what you are. bagaikan hutan rimba,, memiLiki jutaAn flora dan fauna,, sangat misterius dan suLit d'ungkapkan #arti_cinta**
“Single is not a status. It is a word that describes a person who is strong enough to live and enjoy life without depending on others.
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8:37 AM